Women’s Wellness Clinic: Acupuncture & Pelvic Steaming with

Jolyn A. Rose: Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Steam Therapist, Womb Shaman


clinic is open Mondays, Tuesdays, & thursdays starting in January 2025

to all NEW and ESTABLISHED clients

Located in Kilauea above the North Shore Pharmacy


This is for you if you are experiencing any female reproductive imbalances such as:


How it works: This is a sliding scale Women’s Health Concern clinic, you choose the service(s) you would like to explore and work with. Each service or combination of services has a set minimum amount (discounted from the regular rate).

Purpose: To create awareness of and introduce more women to benefits acupuncture &/or steaming uses, to make my services available to more women in the community, empower women by supporting them in connecting to their womb space, providing a safe space for women to be heard and cared for by trained professional.

What’s included? What to expect.

Acupuncture sessions: to be determined on a case by case basis will include one or all of the following services:

-Complete health history evaluation Acupuncture, Far Infrared Heat Therapies, Moxa, Cupping, Food & Diet Therapies, Lifestyle recommendations

Steam session: every steam session includes a complete look at your current and recent menstrual cycle analysis or current health concern if not in your menstrual years, proper period care if applicable to support you in your bleeding phase

-A private In office steam session, length of steam will be determined by the analysis of your cycle and intake form a follow up email with recommended steam plan and suggested herbal blend, discount off of one of my custom herbal steam blends

Shamanic Womb Healing session: in this session I will guide you through the 9 sacred portals of your womb and into your womb garden. This assists you in tapping in and healing your womb through the use of mediation and intention based off of the area you would like to focus on in each session determined by a questionnaire. This supports you in learning to trust your gut/womb intitution and move from a more empowered place. It is my belief that empowered women will heal the world one womb at a time as we are the mothers and powerful creatrix’s of all life.

You’re role in these sessions and after: this is a co-creative experience. Your body has its own pathways and inner workings unique to you and you know yourself best. Your role is to listen to your body and womb and trust that the messages you are receiving. This may require some journaling or daily tracking. Remember this is a process it takes time for big changes to occur and tracking your moods, health, cycle can provide you with a the framework of where you were at the beginning of your journey to where you are a few weeks or months from the start. We often lose sight of where we came from when we start to feel and move more freely in our bodies. I also encourage you to find the joy in self care and showing up for your appointments as on time as scheduled and tending to your inner garden.


My role: is that of a guide in whichever modality or combination of modalities we are using during a given treatment. I am here for you to answer any questions to that come up during or after the session. I’ll send out a follow up as check in a couple of days after to see how you’re doing.

Go to my about page to learn more about me, my background, education, qualifications & trainings.

On this page you can also read about my journey from painful, irregular, heavy cycles to hormonal health & pregnancy with the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It has been in more recent years that I was introduced to Pelvic Steaming. More on that and the benefits of steaming in my blog: Discovering Pelvic Steaming.